Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Geraldo No Last Name"

What i do to get ready for a date is prepare everything. First starting with a shower and getting dressed. Now getting dressed classy or outside wear depends on where we are going . So I have to know where we are going a head of time. Then I make sure my hair is lookin nice and smells good. Then I go into putting on perfume to make me smell good even more. after that I make sure I have money just in case of an emergency. Then I am off to my date to have fun.


G. Latman said...

I seem to remember how important applying makeup is to a woman. I know you have natural beauty, but don't you spend a lot of time with eye liner and shade and blush?

twilaacarter said...

I personally do not use any kid of makeup no eye liner or the blush. I believe that beauty comes within and that is why I choose not to use it.